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Path of Hero
Terrorist AttackBank RobberyWolfenstein 3DDEEEER SimulatorCave BlastCounter Craft ZombiesZombie Derby 2Zombie Parade DefensePixel Hunting.IOUrban Sniper Multiplayer 2BuildNow GGLos Angeles Stories 3GTA MinecraftRocky KnightSniper Elite 3DMiniRoyale 2 - Battle Royale GameSwamp Attack OnlineCs CloneBattalion Commander 1917Masha and the Bear: MeadowsDead DungeonAnti Aircraft Attack : Modern Jet WarStick vs Zombies: Stick Shooter with GunsReal Shooting Fps StrikePixel ShootingFort CraftGrand Gang: Crime IslandCrazy Strike ForceGrand Zombie Swarm 2Serious HeadSlenderman vs Freddy The FazbearMad Andreas Town Mafia Old Friends 2Swordz.ioStickman: Sift Heads World - Act 1Mad City: JokerCrazy Buggy Demolition DerbyUs Army Uphill Offroad Mountain Truck 3DMight and MonstersZombie CityImpostors vs Zombies: SurvivalZombie Mission XButcher AggressionCombat Rescue OfficerCounter CraftFort Clash SurvivalImpostor but Huggy WuggyTaming.ioArcher Hunter KingLa SharkDino SurvivalMinecraft Earth Survival1v1.lolVex 3Skibidi Toilet RageDead ZedRiddles of SquidIdle Cave StorySquid Game : Tug Of WarGrandpa And Granny House Escape rippedHydro Storm 2Shakes & FidgetBlast Out Battle RoyaleSurvival 456 But It ImpostorFortnite Nerf BattleHaunted HospitalTREVOR: First Story Mad City CrimeJunon ImposterPixel Battle RoyalePlaytime Horror Monster GroundHobo 7: HeavenSkibidi Toilet MayhemSpent ShellsInfestationHuggy Wuggy RoadUphill Rush Water Park 3DZombie Mission 7Black Hole vs MonsterMineRoyale.ioThe A-MAZE-ing ChaseFort Builder
Poté, co bylo vaše letadlo zastřeleno, jste havarovali na podivném ostrově hlídaném vojáky, kteří mají jediný rozkaz: zabít vás za každou cenu. Přežijte a najděte způsob, jak uniknout z tohoto prokletého místa, ale předtím se pokuste odhalit podivné tajemství obklopující tento ostrov...
Path of Hero byl přidán v Střílečky Hry.
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